How to Create C# Inline Task in MSBuild

This article shows how to create and call C# msbuild inline task with the UsingTask element. As an example, the UninstallString of the ‘Node.js’ package is searched.

Create UsingTask Element

Inline Task can use the element ‘UsingTask‘, where C# code with optional Input and Output parameters is specified.

    AssemblyFile="$(MSBuildToolsPath)\Microsoft.Build.Tasks.Core.dll" >


      <Reference Include="" />
      <Using Namespace="" />
      <Code Type="Fragment" Language="cs">


Define Input and Output Parameters

Under UsingTask Element, there is a child element <ParameterGroup> defining Input and Output Parameters.

             <InstalledPackage ParameterType="System.String" Required="true" />
             <ReturnString ParameterType="System.String" Output="true" />

Define C# Code

In this example, the UninstallString for specified Input Parameter ‘InstalledPackage’ will be searched and returned.

      <Code Type="Fragment" Language="cs">
		   RegistryKey localMachine = RegistryKey.OpenBaseKey(Microsoft.Win32.RegistryHive.LocalMachine, RegistryView.Registry64);
		   string regArea = @"SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall";
		   RegistryKey packagesRoot = localMachine.OpenSubKey(regArea);
		   string[] packageslisted = packagesRoot.GetSubKeyNames();
		   string uninstallCommand = String.Empty;
			foreach (string p in packageslisted)
				RegistryKey installProperties = packagesRoot.OpenSubKey(p);
				if (installProperties != null)
					string displayName = (string)installProperties.GetValue("DisplayName");

					if ((displayName != null) && displayName.Contains(InstalledPackage))
						uninstallCommand = (string)installProperties.GetValue("UninstallString");
            ReturnString = uninstallCommand ;

Add NameSpace and Reference

Add References and NameSpaces if needed to run the task.

<Using Namespace="Microsoft.Win32"/>

Call the msbuild inline task from Target

The target contains a set of tasks for MSBuild to run, and here this ‘GetUninstallString’ target calls the C# inline Task ‘FindUninstallString’.

 <Target Name="GetUninstallString">

	<FindUninstallString InstalledPackage="Node.js" > 
		<Output TaskParameter="ReturnString" ItemName="UninstallStringForPackage"/>

       <Message Text="Unstaill String for Search Product is " />

Build the Target

msbuild test.msbuild /t:GetUninstallString


This correctly returned the UnInstallString of the Node.js package.

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